"Hidden in Plain Sight: Asian American Leaders in the Silicon Valley." Buck Gee, Denise Peck & Janet Wong. May 2015. The Ascend Foundation.

Analysis of the Executive Parity Index (EPI) in Silicon Valley’s Google, Yahoo, LinkedIn, Intel & Hewlett Packard indicate an Asian glass ceiling. The study found that white men and white women are at or above parity, all minority men and minority women are significantly below parity, and the negative impact of race is 3.7x more significant that the impact of gender.



"Faculty Diversity: We Still Have A lot to Learn." Lucinda Roy. November 18, 2013. The Chronicle of Higher Ed.

Many administrators and departments are struggling more than ever as they compete for a tiny pool of diverse candidates. The result of decades of effort to increase faculty diversity, particularly when it comes to underrepresented minorities has been disappointing. Difficulties around cross-racial dialogue, and training in academe add to limited budgets for diversity efforts on campuses. Establishing supportive environment before new faculty arrives as well as mentoring are some of the solutions proposed in this article.



"Scientist 'killed Amazon Indians to test race theory.'" Paul Brown. September 23, 2000. The Guardian.

Article discusses, Darkness in El Dorado, a book by the investigative journalist Patrick Tierney, which accuses James Neel, the geneticist who headed a long-term project to study the Yanomami people of Venezuela in the mid-60s, of using a virulent measles vaccine to spark off an epidemic that killed hundreds and probably thousands. Once the epidemic was under way the research team "refused to provide any medical assistance to the sick and dying Yanomami. Tierney exposes that the US atomic energy commission funded the study, which was anxious to discover what might happen to communities when large numbers were wiped out by nuclear war.



"Racial stereotypes may affect how we perceive language: study." Lauren Sundstrom. May 26, 2015. Vancitybuzz.com.

Article discusses study who listened to Canadian-born people who are white and of Chinese descent and found they perceived both groups equally as well when they were not aware of their race. They found people of Chinese descent harder to understand only when they saw their picture. When people in the study knew the voice they were listening to belonged to a white person, they were rated as having less of an accent, whereas results for the people of Chinese descent remained consistent.



"How Racial Feelings Trump Facts: New Book by Ithaca College Professor Explores Link between Emotions and Contemporary Racial Violence." May 28, 2015. Newswise.com

Book review of Ithaca professor, Paula Ioanide’s book “The Emotional Politics of Racism: How Feelings Trump Facts in and Era of Colorblindness” that uses four case studies from the last 20 years to illustrate the powerful undercurrents of sentiment that shape our society’s oppressive discourses and policy decisions on crime, social welfare, immigration and terrorism despite most Americans’ claims to be against racial and gender bias.



"Black and Latina Women Scientists Sometimes Mistaken for Janitors." Brigid Schulte. February 6, 2015. Washington Post.

Article discusses stereotypes and biases women of color scientists encounter on the job. Some include: having to prove themselves continuously, walking a tightrope between being perceived as too masculine or too feminine, the maternal wall and motherhood bias, and experiences of “tug of war” by the few women in the company, academy or labs who compete for select “token” female slots.



Barriers to Career Success for Minority Researchers in the Behavioral Sciences

By: Rebecca R. Kameny, Melissa E. DeRosier, Lorraine C. Taylor, Janey Sturtz McMillen, Meagan M. Knowles, and Kimberly Pifer

Journal of Career Development, February 2014

DOI: 10.1177/0894845312472254

 Abstract: The United States falls short in the diversity of its scientific workforce. While the underrepresentation of minority researchers in the behavioral sciences has been a concern for several decades, policy and training initiatives have been only marginally successful in increasing their number. Diversity plays a critical role in our nation’s capacity for research and innovation, yet current approaches prove inadequate. The current study used a qualitative approach to investigate the institutional, cultural, skills, and personal career barriers faced by minority researchers in the behavioral sciences. Data were collected from a select group of minority researchers (defined for this study as women and/or people of color) who attended a 3-and-one-half-day intensive workshop developed specifically to address career barriers. Seventy-two percent (n = 43) encountered workplace barriers relating to race/ethnicity; 26% reported barriers related to gender. Implications for policy and practice are discussed.


Biomedical Research's Unpaid Debt

By: Winston E Thompson, Roland A Pattillo, Jonathan K Stiles, and Gerald Schatten

EMBO Reports, April 2014

DOI: 10.1002/embr.201338274

 Abstract: African Americans suffered exploitation and discrimination in biomedical research long after the abolition of slavery and still face inequalities in research today. The NIH has begun to redress these historical and present-day injustices.


Experiences of Mentors Training Underrepresented Undergraduates in the Research Laboratory

By: Amy J. Prunuske, Janelle Wilson, Melissa Walls, and Benjamin Clarke

Life Sciences Education, Fall 2013

DOI: 10.1187/cbe.13-02-0043

Abstract: Successfully recruiting students from underrepresented groups to pursue biomedical science research careers continues to be a challenge. Early exposure to scientific research is often cited as a powerful means to attract research scholars with the research mentor being critical in facilitating the development of an individual's science identity and career; however, most mentors in the biological sciences have had little formal training in working with research mentees. To better understand mentors’ experiences working with undergraduates in the laboratory, we conducted semistructured interviews with 15 research mentors at a public university in the Midwest. The interviewed mentors were part of a program designed to increase the number of American Indians pursuing biomedical/biobehavioral research careers and represented a broad array of perspectives, including equal representation of male and female mentors, mentors from underrepresented groups, mentors at different levels of their careers, and mentors from undergraduate and professional school departments. The mentors identified benefits and challenges in being an effective mentor. We also explored what the term underrepresented means to the mentors and discovered that most of the mentors had an incomplete understanding about how differences in culture could contribute to underrepresented students’ experience in the laboratory. Our interviews identify issues relevant to designing programs and courses focused on undergraduate student research.