Metrics for Evaluating Support for Equity, Inclusion, and Justice
In Administration
Incorporating expectations for advancing equity, inclusion, and diversity in all position descriptions.
Evaluating employees for contributions to diversity efforts.
Holding all faculty accountable for social justice competencies.
Rewarding employees for successful efforts in advancing equity, inclusion, and diversity.
Defining and advancing a unit vision that incorporates diversity as integral to excellence.
Requiring a Search Advocate for all searches.
Requiring recruitment of a diverse pool of finalists for all positions.
Mentoring effectively across all aspects of difference.
Assuring equitable distribution of access to mentoring resources and networks.
Ensuring salary equity, equitable start-up packages, and equitable space allocation.
Conducting regular unit climate surveys and utilizing data to enhance/improve climate.
Participating in leadership training opportunities that builds expertise around equity, inclusion, and diversity.
Offering training/professional development opportunities for employees to build expertise around equity, inclusion, and diversity.
Rewarding employee participation in training/professional development opportunities and diversity-related activities and events.
Addressing instances of insensitivity, discrimination, and bullying.
Rewarding work/life balance through mentoring, training, and policies.
Ensuring fairness in policies and practices that assign teaching and service.
In Service
Effectively mentoring students across all aspects of difference.
Serving on University or College committees that have a diversity/social justice focus.
Serving as faculty advisor for a student group that has diversity/social justice as a focus.
Training and serving as a Search Advocate.
Attending workshops and conferences that help build multicultural competencies.
Participating in outreach programs aimed at serving a wide range of populations, particularly those that have been historically underserved/excluded from participation.
Introducing discussions of diversity/social justice at department meetings.
Attending diversity and social justice events and speaker presentations.
Participating in the DPD faculty seminar.
Developing a DPD, Cultural Diversity, or Contemporary Global Issues course.
Sponsoring programs that focus on issues of diversity and social justice.
Engaging in recruitment efforts to increase the diversity of faculty, staff, and students.
Working with community groups on issues of diversity/social justice.
Speaking on campus or around the state/nation about issues of diversity/social justice.
In Teaching
Including a diversity of perspectives in course content with particular attention to centering the concerns of marginalized individuals/populations.
Including writings by people who represent a diverse array of social identities in required and recommended readings.
Including multiple perspectives on each issue in a course.
Including films or other audiovisual resources that bring a diversity of voices into the classroom.
Including a statement of commitment to diversity in each syllabus.
Providing students with guidelines for creating a safe and respectful classroom.
Interrupting oppressive behavior in the classroom (such as inappropriate jokes or comments)
Modeling inclusive language.
Utilizing guest speakers who represent a diversity of voices/perspectives.
Utilizing examples that do not reinforce stereotypes.
Creating inclusive environments that make space for the range of student needs and provide reasonable accommodations as needed (religious holidays, for example).
Including the University’s statement on disabilities and accommodation on the syllabus.
Utilizing a variety of instructional strategies.
Utilizing cooperative learning.
Including opportunities for Service Learning in your syllabi.
Encouraging and rewarding students for attendance at events that advance equity, inclusion, and diversity.
In the Office
Diversifying the images, identities and perspectives represented in photos, artwork and print materials.
Creating safe and inclusive environments, including becoming a Safe Zone.
Providing brochures and other materials in a variety of languages and formats.
Creating marketing that embeds diversity and social justice as central to the mission of the department/college/university.
In Research
Conducting research that centers issues of diversity/social justice.
Including diverse perspectives on the research team, particularly among co-PIs.
Emphasizing diversity to address broadening participation in grant proposals.
Writing articles and books that address issues of diversity/social justice.
Presenting conference papers on issues of diversity/social justice.
Increasing the diversity of students who serve as research assistants.
Encouraging professional societies to adopt formal statements about diversity/social justice and/or policies to address harassment at conferences. (For example, see the Joint Mathematics Meetings "Welcoming Environment" Policy:
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