Academic Affairs Office of Work-Life & GO HERC 

What can the office do for you?

Faculty Candidate Interviews

In an effort to support work-life balance, OSU offers faculty candidates the opportunity to meet with the Director of the Academic Affairs Office of Work-Life & GO HERC to discuss their unique concerns. The Director is available to answer questions about the availability of university and community resources such as employment, networking and volunteer opportunities, dependent care resources, housing, or other issues related to the candidates’ needs, partners and families. Contact the office to schedule a 30 minute appointment during the campus interview.

Dual-Career Partner Support

OSU is committed to recruiting talented faculty and understands that accepting employment often involves a complex set of decisions about work and family, including employment for the accompanying partner or spouse. The Academic Affairs Office of Work-Life & GO HERC offers partners of faculty and professional faculty assistance in finding employment inside and outside the OSU community until they secure employment for up to one year. Services include the following:

  • OSU job leads
  • Corporate and community contacts for informal interviews and networking
  • Resume/CV Review
  • Additional resources

Individuals are also encouragd to utilize the Greater Oregon Higher Education Recruitment Consortium free job seeking board to explore employment at other institutions of higher education within the greater Oregon and southern Washington region.

Work-Life Consultations and Presentations

The Director is available to meet with individuals about their work-life needs, such as elder care, child care, time management, and work-lifebalance. The Director is also available to present to campus groups.

Balancing Successful Work and Fulfilling Lives, presented by Robynn Pease on September 14, 2014


Robynn Pease, Director
Academic Affairs Office of Work-Life & GO HERC
[email protected]

Julie Howard, Administrative Support
[email protected]

Office of Human Resources

Learn about additional work-life resources available at Oregon State University.

Seal of Distinction from the Alliance for Work-Life ProgressOregon State University is a proud recipient of a Seal of Distinction from the Alliance for Work-Life Progress