Susan Shaw is professor of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and Director of the School of Language, Culture, and Society (Anthropology; Ethnic Studies; Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies; World Languages andCultures). She holds an MA and PhD from Southern Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky and a BA in English from Berry College in Rome, GA. She is the former director of OSU’s Difference, Power, and Discrimination (DPD) Program, and she has led numerous seminars at universities across the country on issues of power and privilege in the disciplines. She is co-author of two introductory women and gender studiestextbooks, Women’s Voices, Feminist Visions: Classic and Contemporary Readings 6th ed. and Women Worldwide: Transnational Feminist Perspectives on Women (both with Janet Lee, published by McGraw Hill). She is also author of God Speaks to Us, Too: Southern Baptist Women on Church, Home, and Society and the forthcoming Reflective Faith: A Theological Toolbox for Women and co-author (with Mina Carson and Tisa Lewis) of Girls Rock! Fifty Years of Women Making Music. She is currently executive editor of a forthcoming 4-volume encyclopedia of Women’s Lives Worldwide.
When Susan was director of the DPD Program she led a number of workshops on campus specifically for faculty in STEM disciplines, and these experiences led her to her interest in the ADVANCE Institutional Transformation program. OREGON STATE ADVANCE centers on a revised version of the summer DPD seminar that targets faculty and administrators in STEM and social and behavioral science disciplines. Other project activities also focus attention on issues of power and privilege in STEM and SBS through administrator workshops, pre-tenure faculty alliance-building gatherings, cross-disciplinary conversations, new policies and procedures, and new ways of tracking relevant data. As PI on the project, Susan hopes OREGON STATE ADVANCE will enhance the success of women in STEM and SBS across their differences of race, ethnicity, class, sexual identity, age, nation, ability, and religion by transforming the institutional culture through sharedunderstandings of the ways power operates across differences and shared visions for an inclusive and just university.